By chance and by sagacity. Doing anthropology with Ugo Fabietti


  • Redazione Antropologia



ugo fabietti, anthropology


When we began work on an issue of the journal Anthropologia dedicated to Ugo Fabietti a year after his death, we asked ourselves how we could remain faithful to him and how we could convey in these pages his intellectual and emotional qualities as a colleague, friend and teacher, while preserving the vitality and heuristic potential of his intellectual legacy. The magazine was founded in 2001 by Ugo Fabietti as a "cultural project (...) for pertinent, in-depth and differentiated reflection on contemporary cultural forms". Ugo Fabietti directed the journal and in 2014 transformed it from a series of thematic essays on contemporary anthropology into a free online reference publication with a double-blind peer review system. Over the years, Ugo Fabietti has collaborated with many of the people who have worked and are working on it, found the means to produce it, and worked to ensure that the publication lives on as scholarship continues to change

