Le mani buone and le buone mani of Teodora Polo: a life story


  • Zelda Alice Franceschi ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna




Cultural Anthropology, Biographical narrative , Emotional expression, Wichí culture, Oral tradition


The article examines the life story of Teodora Polo, an indigenous woman from the Chaco region of Argentina. The primary aim is to explore the significance of biographical narratives in cultural anthropology, with a particular focus on how these stories serve as both tools and subjects of research. The narrative methodology employed here allows for an in-depth examination of emotional and cultural dimensions, offering insights into the interplay between personal and collective memory, and the ways in which life stories can articulate complex cultural and emotional landscapes. The article highlights the intrinsic value of oral traditions and the unique aspects of Wichí culture, particularly in terms of how words and memories are managed and transmitted. Through the presentation of Teodora's life, the study highlights the importance of understanding cultural context when interpreting biographical narratives. This research contributes to broader anthropological discussions on the ethics of biographical storytelling, the role of emotions in cultural narratives, and the integration of interdisciplinary approaches in the analysis of life stories.




