Youths, cadets and vieux pères. War and social reproduction in Ivory Coast


  • Armando Cutolo



Anthropology, Ethnography, War, Youth, Ivory Coast


Grounding on a critical review of researches connecting youth, violence and war in sub-Saharan Africa, an analysis is proposed where generational processes of political subjectivation and armed mobilization are contextualized within local frames of social reproduction. To that aim, a methodological distinction is developed, where the relational-hierarchical category of the “cadets” (derived from Marxist French anthropology) is opposed to “youth”, the latter being understood (both by social actors and analysts) as an empiric group, i.e. as an autonomous political subject – whose representation is a constituent part of the contemporary global imagery. This cadets/youth opposition is put to work in order to study the Cote d’Ivoire's conflict. It is shown how mobilization took different shapes on the two opposite fronts, producing cadets as combatants on the one side, youngsters as nationalist militants and militias on the other; it is shown, moreover, how this difference was a consequence of the different kinds of crisis in social reproduction which affected two opposite parts of Ivorian society.

Author Biography

Armando Cutolo

Armando Cutolo insegna Antropologia delle società africane ed Etnografia presso l’Università di Siena. Le sue ricerche nel paese Anno (Costa d’Avorio) si sono focalizzate sulla parentela, sulla guerra e sulla formazione dello Stato precoloniale. Durante il conflitto avoriano ha realizzato una ricerca sul movimento nazionalista dei jeunes patriotes e sui “parlamenti di strada”, ed ha condotto un'inchiesta etnografica sulle  trasformazioni dei rapporti intergenerazionali avvenute nel corso della guerra. 




