The Knowledge of forging in Lombardy. The meaning of labour, and the usefulness of forged objects: an anthropological research among smiths and blacksmiths


  • Lidia Calderoli



iron work, smith, blacksmith, value, symbolism


The main question of this article regards the meaning of work for those doing it. In particular it discusses the relationship between smiths, blacksmiths and the objects they manufacture, in order to understand if or to what extent the value they attribute to what they produce is somehow related to the value and the meaning of their own artisanal activity. In the manufacturing of wrought iron, farming tools and horseshoes the emergence of industrial production has changed the way work has been done. Standardized decorations, industrial horseshoes, and spades produced by rotating mills are just a few examples. However, the division and mechanization of labour have not wiped out the work of the artisan. His/her role as assembler, a creator and the innovator is still remarkable.


