Particulate matter in the territory of ASL CN2
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified air pollution as carcinogenic to humans with particular regard to the so-called particulate matter, PM10 and PM2,5, critical pollutants in the Po Valley of the northern Italy. Howewer, during the year 2023 concentration values, measured by the air quality (AQ) monitoring stations of the Piedmont Region, were the lowest of the entire historical data series. In the present work, PM10 and PM2,5 concentrations, measured by AQ stations located in the territory of ASL CN2, were investigated at local scale. 2023 measured data were compared with normative indicators, established by D.Lgs. 155/2010, annual average limit value and daily limit exceedances; further assessment was made taking into account all historical series of available data: as a result concentrations decreasing over time was highlighted and 2023 was confirmed as the best year, according to the regional level. Meteorological conditions contributed to this reduction; the above-average ventilation reduced the number of days of temperature inversion, creating adverse conditions to pollutants accumulation in the atmosphere, despite the negative rainfall anomaly. Therefore meteorological parameter analysis, wind speed and precipitation, was carried out, using data from the meteorological stations located in the territory of ASL CN2. Attention had yet to be focused to the winter period, during which inability of the atmosphere to remove pollutants (temperature inversion at ground level, high atmospheric pressure, absence of precipitation, low or stagnant winds) favoured episodes of pollutant accumulation and as a consequence healthcare demand for the most fragile subjects increased.
Bande S, Bernardi M, Cagnazzi B, De Maria R, Gandini D, Garofalo F, Golzio A, Libanoro F, Magri S. La qualità dell’aria in Piemonte, Relazione Sintetica 2023. Arpa Piemonte; 2024.
Uno sguardo all’aria, Anteprima 2023. Città metropolitana di Torino – Dipartimento Ambiente e Vigilanza Ambientale, ARPA Piemonte – Dipartimento Territoriale Piemonte Nord-Ovest, ARPA Piemonte – Dipartimento Rischi Naturali e Ambientali; 2024.
Relazione sullo Stato dell’Ambiente in Piemonte, Relazione 2023, CLIMA e ARIA. Arpa Piemonte; 2024. Disponibile al link: https://
La qualità dell’aria in Italia. Edizione 2023. Report Ambientali SNPA: 40/2024. SNPA; 2024.

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