Work and Health: Accidents, Occupational Diseases, and the Activities of the Prevention and Safety Service in Work Environments of ASL CN2 (2013-2022). A Decade-Long Analysis for Targeted Prevention Based on Emerging Needs


  • Giuseppe Calabretta Servizio di Prevenzione e Sicurezza degli Ambienti di Lavoro (S.Pre.S.A.L.)
  • Pietro Corino Servizio di Prevenzione e Sicurezza degli Ambienti di Lavoro (S.Pre.S.A.L.)



Data from the last decade show the evolution of health and safety needs in the workplace, which can be partially linked to preventive activities introduced by long-standing European regulations (Law 626/94). The evolution of the world of work and the substantial stability of accidents and occupational diseases highlight the need for new tools and more effective prevention methods, adapted to these changes.

