Go Beyond: Risk Limitation and Harm Reduction on the territory of ASL Cn2


  • Christian Lamanna Coop. Soc, Alice – Alba
  • Amy Martelozzo Coop. Soc, Alice – Alba
  • Carmen Occhetto Dipartimento Dipendenze ASL CN2 Alba-Bra
  • Valentino Merlo Dipartimento Dipendenze ASL CN2 Alba-Bra




The article analyzes the evolution of Harm Reduction projects following the inclusion of these practices in the Essential Levels of Care (LEA) under Law No. 47 of April 21, 2017, and their formal adoption in Piedmont with Regional Resolution No. 42-8767 on April 12, 2019. Since then, the local health authorities (ASLs) in Piedmont have launched experimental initiatives to expand access to services through Harm Reduction strategies. The article’s analysis focuses on projects implemented by ASL Cn2, describing their progression from the experimental phase to current implementations, which include data collection on consumption behaviors and consumer well-being. The results highlight the essential role of Harm Reduction in facilitating access to resources and support for those who, due to sociocultural reasons, often remain on the margins of conventional healthcare services.


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