Safety in Agricultural Enterprises in the Province of Cuneo – Focus on the Years 2010-2023
Article 21 of Legislative Decree 81/2008 extended the obligation to use work equipment and personal protective devices compliant with specific regulations to members of family businesses, self-employed workers, direct farmers, and partners in simple agricultural companies. Despite a declining trend, agriculture remains one of the sectors with the highest number of workplace injuries. In 2009, the first National Plan for Occupational Safety in Agriculture was adopted and fully implemented by the Piedmont Region in 2010. Since then, Piedmont’s local health authorities (ASLs) have intensified annual inspections to ensure equipment safety and compliance with health and safety regulations.
Each year, the Piedmont Region publishes a report detailing employment, workplace injuries, and supervisory activities, highlighting ongoing efforts in agricultural occupational safety. This article focuses on the Province of Cuneo, analyzing its local economic and occupational landscape, with particular attention to the assistance and monitoring activities conducted by territorial ASLs.
References (visionato in data 01/11/2024)
Istat – Censimento Agricoltura 2020
I piani mirati di prevenzione per l’assistenza alle imprese: metodi, strumenti ed esperienze territoriali - Edizioni Inail – 2022
Allegato A Regione Piemonte PIANO REGIONALE DI PREVENZIONE 2020-2025
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