The Digital Edition of SKB A 120 in the Menota Archive


  • Paola Peratello DDipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italia.



This paper aims at presenting the editing process of Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, SKB A 120, a prose fragment written entirely in medieval runes and transmitting the Virgin Mary’s complaint, with a focus on the editorial criteria. More specifically, the encoding and the annotation procedures, and the visualisation of the digital edition in Menota (Medieval Nordic Text Archive) Public Catalogue will be outlined. The fragment has been encoded in compliance with TEI-XML standards as specified and supplemented in the Menota guidelines described in the Menota Handbook v. 3.0. The linguistic annotation (@lemma for the lexical form and @me:msa for the morphological analysis) of each word is also included. The digital edition provides the first complete runic text fully lemmatised, searchable, and encoded on both facsimile and diplomatic levels.

