Das Lied vom Straubinger Bauernburschen in der Handschrift München, Cgm 379 und seine Stellung in der Neidhart-tradition
The Augsburger Liederbuch, a collective codex from the middle of the fifteenth century (München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 379), contains a song, entitled Eßellocher von dem pawrenknecht zů Strawing, which is generally attributed to Hans Heselloher. At the end of the fifteenth century, this song was included, in revised form, in the first printed version of the poetic collection Neithart Fuchs. In this study, the functional change in the representation of the foppish peasant and of his fictional environment will be analyzed with respect to the model constituted by Neidhart. Further, the differences between the text transmitted in Cgm 379 and the version in Neithart Fuchs will be taken into consideration, in order to ascertain whether it is possible to speak of a change in the text’s function caused by its integration in the Neithart Fuchs compilation.
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