Nuove glosse in antico altotedesco alla Regula pastoralis nei manoscritti di San Gallo


  • Fernanda Cirimele Dottore di ricerca in Filologia germanica
  • Andreas Nievergelt Qualified professor and research fellow in German linguistics, Department of German Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland.



NEWFOUND OLD HIGH GERMAN GLOSSES TO THE ‘REGULA PASTORALIS’ IN MANUSCRIPTS FROM ST. GALL. The Abbey Library of St.  Gall preserves five manuscripts of Gregory the Great’s Regula pastoralis dating back to the Old High German period (St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 216, 217, 218, 219, 220). Early scholarship focusing on the St. Gall manuscripts discovered only a few Old High German glosses, which came from three of the five extant manuscripts. These ink glosses created the impression that the text had been glossed at St. Gall in a purely sporadic manner and only from the 10th century onwards. However, as soon as scholars started to look for scratched glosses, more material was discovered. As a result, the number of glosses has since increased fourfold. The latest discoveries show that the St. Gall manuscripts containing the Regula pastoralis were copiously glossed in Old High German and that the glossing process started already at the end of the 8th century. This allows us, for the first time, to get a complete picture of the glossography of the Regula pastoralis in the monastery of St. Gall. The article offers an edition of the recently discovered Old High German and Latin glosses as well as a inguistic and palaeographical analysis.

