The verse forms of the Old English “metrical” charms


  • Claudio Cataldi University of Bristol


This essay takes into account the metre of the so-called metrical charms, arguing that these charms are characterised by a number of prosodic elements such as free alliterative verses, recurring repetition and some occasional rhyme. These features mark a difference between the “metrical” charms and standard Old English verse. On the other hand, this prosodic mixture anticipates that which is to be found in post-Conquest early Middle English poetry, where alliterative verse, rhythmical prose and rhyme are employed. The prosody of early Middle English poetry was described as “rhythmical alliteration” by Norman F. Blake in 1969. In my view, the “metrical” charms might therefore be re-labelled as rhythmical charms. Interestingly, Middle English verse charms, for their part, will generally adopt the rhyming couplet as their verse form.

