A tribute to Machado in 1966: the correspondence addressed to J.M. Caballero Bonald
This article takes into account part of the letters José Manuel Caballero Bonald received as a member of the Organizing Committee for the failed homage to Antonio Machado that was to be celebrated in the Andalusian city of Baeza, where the writer had worked as a French professor since 1912. This correspondence, still unpublished, focuses on that tribute which the Franco regime forbade; in case of being held in February of 1966, it would have gathered around the figure of the poet the most important artists and writers of the time.
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—, (2008), En un pozo de lumbre. Estudios sobre Carmen Conde, eds. Francisco Javier Díez de Revenga; Mariano de Paco. Murcia, Fundación Cajamurcia.
—, ed. (1954), Poesía femenina española viviente, Madrid, Ediciones Arquero. Se volvería a publicar en 1967: Poesía femenina española (1939-1950), Barcelona, Bruguera. Reediciones en 1970 y 1971.
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