Diego and Larrea: letters of 1917


  • Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu Universidad de Deusto - Universidad de Extremadura




Gerardo Diego and Juan Larrea, then recent graduates in Letters from the University of Deusto, began a correspondence in October 1916 that continued until Larrea's death in 1980 and which, due to its size and content, constitutes an essential document for the study of their respective works. The letters exchanged between the two friends in 1917 show the warmth of their friendship and reveal the literary and artistic concerns that the two young men shared in those first steps of their apprenticeship in poetry.


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Bernal, José Luis; Díaz de Guereñu, Juan Manuel (1995), “Desteñidas esquelas. Charlas líricas. Algunas cartas de Gerardo Diego a Juan Larrea”, Ínsula, 586: 13-16.

– (en prensa), “Gerardo Diego y Juan Larrea: primeras cartas (1916)”, Bulletin Hispanique.

Cervantes, Miguel de (2004), Don Quijote de la Mancha, Madrid, Real Academia Española.

Gallego Morell, Antonio (2008), Vida y poesía de Gerardo Diego, prólogo de Antonio Sánchez Trigueros, edición facsímil, Granada, Universidad de Granada / Fundación Gerardo Diego.

Ibsen, Henrik (1914-16), Dramas de Enrique Ibsen, trad. J. Pérez Bances. Madrid, Librería Sucesores de Hernando, 3 vols.

Larrea, Juan (1986), Cartas a Gerardo Diego (1916-1980), ed. Enrique Cordero de Ciria y Juan Manuel Díaz de Guereñu, San Sebastián, Universidad de Deusto.

Nieto, Miguel (1992), “Cartas inéditas de Juan Larrea y Gerardo Diego”, Contemporáneos, 11: 3-10.

