Hispanic American Migration in Italy and Postcolonial Discourses


  • Karín Chirinos Bravo Università degli Studi di Catania - Università degli Studi Roma Tre




This paper analyzes the migration phenomenon in Francesca Casmiro Gallo’s works, particularly focusing on her novel Donne fatte di mais e spighe di grano. In order to do so, first we will show the relationship between the postcolonial theory and the concept of migration; then, we will make reference to the link between the authorial figure of Casmiro Gallo and the concept of migration, so that we can postulate that the structure of Donne fatte di mais e spighe di grano is an exploration of a particular literary territory, pointing out how, in fact, the way of thinking of the book is illustrated in Postcolonial discourse. Last, we will show how this territory is related to the Romantic project of a Weltliteratur, reinvented by Casmiro Gallo’s poetics from a contemporary perspective.


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