The comical aspect of Greek Political Comedy and its reflection in contemporary Spanish culture: satire, utopy and absurd


  • Israel Muñoz Gallarte



It is well-known how political comedy flourished in the democratic environment of classic Athens, preserved mainly through the writings of Aristophanes. His satirical mechanisms have been abundantly studied in the current academic bibliography. However, in my opinion, it is still worth to dedicate the following pages to explore how the tradition of this ancient genre have found a fertile ground in contemporary Spain, favoured by its recent political circumstances. Indeed, since middle 2015, after four convulse years of government, comedy and political satire have experienced a tremendous, exponential growth. Among some of the best products of this renaissance are the theatrical plays Mongolia, el Musical 1.0 and 2.0, in a close relationship with the written version of the Mongolia magazine, all of which have brought together the interest of audience, critics and readers.


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