The slogan in governmental political communication: a contrastive analysis of the accounts of the French and Spanish governments on Twitter/X


  • Sonia Madrid Cánovas Universidad de Murcia



slogan, X, twitter, governmental communication, Pedro Sánchez, Emmanuel Macron


The slogan, less and less present in advertising discourse, seems to have shifted to discourse in the digital sphere. A campaign is no longer conceivable without the planned use of Twitter/X since it is the social network par excellence for the political and journalistic class. However, this phenomenon has been much less studied in the governmental sphere. This paper aims to find out whether sloganization has reached the governmental political discourse in networks. Using a corpus of tweets from the accounts of the Spanish and French presidencies, we analyze slogans’ presence, productivity, structural characteristics, and main themes. The results indicate two styles in the use of slogans: on the one hand, the slogan as a metadata with an affiliative function; on the other hand, the sloganized message with an expressive function that simplifies the message in more complex formats.


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