Ledijournals is the platform for publishing and managing the editorial process of journals published by Ledizioni.

It allows Open Access or subscription publishing, optimises indexing in international databases (Google Scholar, Scopus, Web Of Science), affixes and transmits DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), tracks the peer-review process, as well as various other functions.

For more details, please contact us or consult this document.


  • Antropologia

    Antropologia, a biannual journal published in Spring and Autumn, discusses themes that are crucial in contemporary anthropology. It publishes Special Focus  and miscellaneous issues based on free submission. It is available online free of charge.

    Antropologia publishes original scientific papers following a favourable report by two anonymous reviewers.
    Titles, abstracts and keywords are also published in English to make works easier to locate and streamline their international outreach.

    ISSN: 2281-4043 E-ISSN: 2420-8469
    Journal Ranking: A for area 11 A5 of the ANVUR classification.

    To buy print issues and subscriptions, please visit Ledizioni website

  • Comparatismi

    «Comparatismi» è la rivista ufficiale della Consulta di Critica letteraria e Letterature comparate.
    Si propone come un luogo di ricerca e di dialogo tra le diverse posizioni teoriche, critiche e metodologiche, focalizzandosi in particolare sui generi letterari, la comparatistica, il linguaggio della poesia, l'ermeneutica, lo storytelling, la teoria della letteratura, la storia della critica, la semiotica del testo, la teoria e la storia della traduzione.

  • Cuadernos AISPI

    Cuadernos AISPI: Estudios de lenguas y literaturas hispánicas (ISSN: 2283-981X print - ISSN 2785-728X online) is a scientific journal for an international readership, published by the Associazione Ispanisti Italiani as a forum for papers on the languages, cultures and literature of the Iberian Peninsula and Ibero-America. The aim is to provide a high-level scientific discussion forum where academic researchers can explore the latest trends in international philological, literary, linguistic and translation-related Hispanism.

    Cuadernos AISPI publishes original scientific papers (preferably in Spanish) following a favourable report by two anonymous reviewers. Manuscripts can also be accepted in Italian, Catalan, Portuguese and, exceptionally, in other languages. Titles, abstracts and keywords are also published in English to make works easier to locate and streamline their international outreach.

    The journal is published twice a year (in July and December), in both digital and hard-copy (paper) formats, with open access. Each issue contains a monograph section, alternating between Language or Translation and Literature or Culture, covering topics of particular interest for the relevant fields, jointly supervised by an Italian editor and AISPI member and another highly reputed editor from abroad. This topic section may include papers, interviews and notes. Each issue also contain a general section and a section for reviews.

    The journal is published under a Creative Commons licence and applies no charges for manuscript submissions or fees for the publication of papers.

    For printed copies, please contact Ledizioni or go to the Subscriptions section.

  • Germanic Philology

    Filologia Germanica - Germanic Philology is the first periodical entirely devoted to Germanic philology and closely related disciplines published so far in Italy. Although primarily intended for an Italian audience, the journal is open to contributions from scholars all over the world.

    The journal, sponsored and funded by the Italian Association of Germanic Philology (AIFG), has been active since 2009 and is published annually.

    Each issue is devoted to a specific Germanic linguistic, literary and cultural topic. Articles are published in Italian or one of the major international languages and include an abstract in English.

    Annually, the Members' Assembly decides on a topic, which is followed by a Call for Papers, in consideration of which the Author/Author formulates a relevant contribution proposal.

    The journal benefits from the anonymous refereeing of Italian and foreign experts according to the double blind peer review procedure and is published in Open Access (CC-BY-SA) on this platform.

    The journal is in the ANVUR Fascia A for the whole Area 10 - Sciences of Antiquity, Philological-Literary and Historical-Artistic Sciences.

    ISSN 2036-8992

  • Quaderni di Organizzazione e Trasformazione Digitale della Giustizia

    “Quaderni di Organizzazione e Trasformazione Digitale della Giustizia” è una rivista rivolta a coloro che operano nell’ambito dell’innovazione tecnologica e organizzativa della giustizia e che, a vario titolo, sono interessati ad analizzare e comprendere l’attività di questo settore cruciale della Pubblica Amministrazione.

    I Quaderni esplorano le sfide e le opportunità create dall’intersezione tra tecnologia digitale e giustizia, con un occhio attento a tutti quegli aspetti legali, sociali, organizzativi, etici e tecnologici che concorrono a definire le logiche di funzionamento del “sistema giustizia”, inteso nel suo complesso.

  • Journal of Studies in Russian Formalism with Translation Notebooks

    In 1929 Boris Ejchenbaum published a volume titled Moj Vremennik. Through its four sections -Slovestnos', Nauka, Kritika, Smes'- this book aspired to present itself as the journal formalists could not found.

    Our aim is to carry on the project of a journal based on the formalist ideas, able to stimulate the debate and the analisis of literary works with the joyful scientificity desired by Ejchenbaum.

    Vremennik Russkogo Formalizma is open access and multilingual, an instrument for scholars, students, and Literature enthusiasts, a journal that remains confident in filling a gap of the reconstruction of European literary-linguistic critical thought. 

    The Translation Notebooks complementing the journal plan to circulate tests from the formalist corpus in languages other than Russian. 

  • Publishing Eco-system: International Journal of Publishing Studies

    The academic and scientific journal "Publishing Eco-system: International Journal of Publishing Studies" will be a space in which to discuss different and mutually integrated aspects concerning the production, distribution, and communication of books in the various spheres of the publishing supply chain, with particular attention devoted to the mechanisms that contribute to bringing the book from the publisher to the reader, models constructed by the relationships between promoters, distributors, marketing men, librarians, and booksellers, who are increasingly protagonists of rapid changes and generators of new instances.

    The intention is to bring us to reflect on all this, evaluating the data not in their contingency, but in the medium/long term; to reason if and how changes have taken place; to invite the protagonists to tell how they move, choose and decide after an author's text has entered their publishing programme.

    The journal is open-access and peer-reviewed by Italian and international experts. Its aim is to contribute to the international and Italian debate on the main research issues, as it aims to provide elements of analysis and reflection concerning the relationships and connections, also from a diachronic perspective, between publishing, libraries, bookshops, festivals and commercial events, reading practices, in order to foster the conditions for collaboration and integration between the different subjects operating in the sector and Italian and international experts.

    The need was identified for a space that would explain and sediment over time reflections on, for example, the problem of returns, accessibility of books, the tools available to members of the supply chain, the difference in types of bookshops, the role of public and school libraries, promotion and communication, copyright and more.

    E-ISSN 2974-8682

  • Giornale di metafisica

    Il GIORNALE DI METAFISICA è stato fondato nel 1946 da Michele Federico Sciacca. Il GIORNALE DI METAFISICA 'Nuova Serie' pubblica:

    • articoli e note critiche di approfondimento dei vari aspetti della ricerca filosofica
    • studi tematici della originarietà del discorso e della costituzione della dialettica
    • saggi e prospettive di problematizzazione della metafisica nel suo concetto e nei suoi momenti storici
    • dibattiti di filosofia contemporanea e delle sue varie implicazioni e un'ampia rassegna e recensioni della attualità più rilevante della odierna ricerca.

    Il GIORNALE DI METAFISICA pubblica prevalentemente in italiano; occasionalmente in francese, inglese, spagnolo e tedesco.

    La periodicità della rivista è quadrimestrale (tre fascicoli per annata).


  • Progettazione Sismica

    In un territorio interamente ed altamente sismico come quello Italiano, lo strumento più efficace per difendersi dai terremoti è la prevenzione in tempo di pace. Progettazione Sismica, rivista quadrimestrale edita da Eucentre (ex IUSS Press), ha l’aspirazione di far crescere, attraverso una costante opera di informazione e sensibilizzazione, proprio la cultura della prevenzione. Nel titolo è enfatizzata la parola “progettazione” perché attraverso la descrizione delle opere progettate e realizzate si possono mettere in comunicazione il mondo professionale con quello accademico e delle istituzioni: ed infatti la rivista si rivolge a professionisti, funzionari, industria delle costruzioni, accademici e studenti.