On dictionary entries: lexicographical theoretical and technical notes
The article is situated in the context of the preparation of a handbook of Hispanic lexicography. This task will be carried out from the experience gained in practical lexicography in the Augsburgian Project, dedicated to the differential-contrastive lexicography of American Spanish. The handbook in preparation is based on the most important current theoretical reflections, especially those which surged in German metalexicography and those dedicated to the function of dictionaries. The basic idea of these reflections is the clear awareness of the fact that a dictionary constitutes a reference work developed with a specific goal, so that it is essential to pay great attention to the form in which it is organized and in which the information is presented, especially in the entry. This entry contains different characteristics depending on the type of the dictionary. This is exemplified via cases of bilingual lexicography and dialectal American Spanish lexicography.
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[DP 1974] [1883-84] = Arona, Juan de, Diccionario de peruanismos. Ensayo filológico, Lima, Peisa.
[DRAE 1869] = Real Academia Española (1869), Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana, 11ª edición, Madrid, Imprenta de D. Manuel Rivadeneyra.
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