Juan Goytisolo and the Contemporary Testimonial Narration


  • Gonzalo Navajas Universidad de California, Irvine




Juan Goytisolo’s work advances an intellectual and literary project that is considerably distinctive within his generation. The project is linked to a paradigm of the concept of literature as a position of resistance to the political, social, and cultural status quo as well as an assertion of the author’s unshakable ethical integrity. The project materializes through an initial view of the literary text as a critical testimony of the local milieu and progressively of the entire Spanish cultural history. In its phase of maturity, the central referents of Goytisolo’s work are the view of the Spanish language as his only legitimate motherland as well as his continued identification with the marginalized members of society.


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Agamben, Giorgio (2002), Remnants of Auschwitz, New York, Zone Books. Trad. del italiano de Daniel Heller-Roazen.

Goytisolo, Juan (1954), Juegos de manos, Barcelona, Destino.

Goytisolo, Juan (1955), Duelo en el paraíso, Barcelona, Destino.

Goytisolo, Juan (1957), El circo, Barcelona, Destino.

Goytisolo, Juan (1958), Fiestas, Barcelona, Destino.

Goytisolo, Juan (1958), La resaca, París, Club del libro español.

Goytisolo, Juan (1959), Problemas de la novela, Barcelona, Seix Barral.

Goytisolo, Juan (1960), Campos de Níjar, Barcelona, Seix Barral.

Goytisolo, Juan (1966), Señas de identidad, México, Joaquín Mortiz.

Goytisolo, Juan (1970), Reivindicación del conde don Julián, México, Joaquín Mortiz.

Goytisolo, Juan (1985), Coto vedado, Barcelona, Seix Barral.

Goytisolo, Juan (1986), En los reinos de taifa, Barcelona, Seix Barral.

Judt, Tony (2005), PostWar. A History of Europe Since 1945, New York, Penguin Books.

Navajas, Gonzalo (2019), El intelectual público y las ideologías modernas. De los años treinta a la posmodernidad, Sevilla, Renacimiento.

Traverso, Enzo (2016), Fire and Blood. The European Civil War. 1914-1945, London, Verso. Trad. del italiano de David Fernbach.

Vattimo, Gianni (2011), A Farewell to Truth, Nueva York, Columbia University Press. Trad. del italiano de William McCuaig; Intr. de Robert T. Valgenti.

