Isidora Rufete in the rise and decline of the Novelas contemporáneas


  • Alberto Maffini Università degli Studi di Milano



This article focuses on the importance of the character of Isidora Rufete during the various phases of Galdos’s novels. In fact, the novel La desheredada, where Isidora acts as the main character, opens the phase of the novelas contemporáneas, through which the Canarian author conveyed the lesson of French naturalist writers. After a period of apparent oblivion, the character appears again in Torquemada en la hoguera, the first novel to show some changes from the usual novelas contemporáneas formula, taking into account new spiritual matters and clearing the path for the phase of the novelas espirituales. This means that Isidora Rufete witnesses the changes in the author’s writing from a very close point of observation, thus providing a closer insight into the motivations underpinning them.


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