An approach to the pragmatic-discursive study of cinema and television series in Spanish


  • Luisa Chierichetti Università degli Studi di Bergamo
  • María Isabel Hernández Toribio Universidad Complutense de Madrid



The analysis of films and television series already relies on an extensive bibliography from a pragmatic perspective and discourse analysis, which can serve as a basis for further research on these audiovisual products. In this article we review some of these approaches, paving the way to new research for the study of films and television series in Spanish, seeing as how these fields, especially the latter, have received less attention from this perspective. We focus our interest on the definition of the term “telecinematic discourse” under which several audiovisual products such as cinema and television series are included, as well as on the characterization of dialogue and other topics of interest from a pragmatic approach, e.g. the review of speech acts and humor.


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