The Language of things. Metonymic significance of spaces and objects in Nada by Carmen Laforet


  • José María Pozuelo Yvancos Universidad de Murcia



laforet, nada, spaces, objects, metonymy, meaning


From very early onwards some great writers such as Juan Ramón Jiménez, Américo Castro and Carmen Martin Gaite pointed out the originality of the novel Nada by Carmen Laforet. This study is dedicated to analyze one of the features that all of them underlined: the importance given to objects and spaces. The most important thing is not the journey through obvious spaces but a new stylistic element: the meaning of spaces and objects as semantic metonyms, and the constellation of meaning in an order defined by various thinkers like Clarín, Barthes, Bachelard, Mieke Bal and Pittarello.


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Baudrillard, Jean (1968), Le système des objets, Paris, Gallimard.

Bodei, Remo (2013) [2009], La vida de las cosas, Buenos Aires, Amorrortu.

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Laforet, Carmen (1937), “Gabriel Miró”, Caleta, 14: 27-28.

Laforet, Carmen (2018), Nada, ed. Rosa Navarro, Barcelona, Planeta.

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